about me
Only daughter of emigrants, one of the many grandchilds of two great farmers families, grown by emigrants in France, Belgium, Switzerland and High Savoy, Edda Tassi Cucchiarini enters in the Italian school of the salesianes nuns of Città di Castello where she was until the middle school leaving certificate.
Two subjects made of her already a special case: "The bench of school tells its story" that was worth her a scolding, because ecessively prolix for a little girl of the primary school, and the subject of Italian for the intermediate school certificate on an important person.
She chose the President of the Republic Giuseppe Saragat, a small scandal covered with all her might discusses by a noble teacher that showed the excellent report card to save her, but rather than "best" Edda got a symptomatic "distinguished".
There began the hard times. To let them forgive her the joker won a prize in money founded by the banks on the subject "what is the saving", first and only literary income of her whole production.
At the high school certificate a long digression on the beloved Sigmund Freud carried her a summary execution: 46 sixtieth, with the regret of the professors friends who couldn't more than admitting her with 10+praise in history of art.
About the two successive degrees in letters and psychology nothing to say. Her work was already safe outside the school rooms.
The irreverent, ingenuous megalomaniac artist in formation thanks deeply the teachers who still today love her and to which she is in debt.
Occasional works of any type, a temporary position in story of art for few day, for a lot of time psychanalist, artist since always and for always.
Her country is Umbrian, her province is tuscany, her metropolis is Rome.
And then there it is the world.
Allergic to the power if used badly, open to every belief and civility, as long as to man's duty to make him free, happy to be at the world, Edda thanks those of her staff, the love of her life, Blacky and Ramòn, all her readers.
The foreign friends, above all the non-eec, feel that she is like them, a "weird Italian", but they don't know because.
Some politician or powerful man, positioned long the boot flag could answer easily.
Beyond the online published, the unpublished.
- Words' game
- Aspis
- Bellum
- Graces, sweeties, jokes (december 2001)
- Seductions
- Romancero
- Ockham
- Holmes
- Haroset
- Ataraxìa
- World vision.
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...from Worldvision collectionI had decided at a certain age I would become a lady but life took me to Tor Pignattara Street and I forgot to survive only. I drink my cappuccino in the nursery of the featherweights under the photo of Rocky Marciano. If this is the violent Rome I became like her forgetting the delicacies.
